AGM Minutes – May 10th 2021



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 

held at Ashmore Village Hall

on Monday 10th May 2021 at 7 pm



Philip Hamilton (PH)
Gilly Forge (GF), Andrew Featherstone (AF) Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB), Annette Ruff (AR)
Dorset Cllr. Jane Somper
Clerk –  Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
6 members of the public

2021.06           Apologies        Sara Milton (SM)

2021.07           Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Position Name Proposed Seconded  
Chairman Philip Hamilton PKB AR  
Vice Chairman Andrew Featherstone  




  Philippa Kelway-Bamber  




  Gilly Forge PH AR
  Annette Ruff PH PKB
  Sara Milton PH AR


The Declaration of acceptance of Office forms were duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk.

2021.08                       Election of Officers

Position Name Proposed Seconded  
Planning Andrew Featherstone PH GF  
Tree Officer Gilly Forge PH AR  
Pond Representative


Constantine Lindsey






Airfield Officer Andrew Featherstone


 PH AR  
Playground Representative Paul Whetham








DAPTC  Officers Philip Hamilton

Andrew Featherstone





Defibrillator Officer Andrew Featherstone PH PKB

2021.09           Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Monday  May 2020 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.


Chairman’s Report


In the last year of the council there were four planning applications that we were consulted on.   We raised no objections and all were approved.

There were two applications to carry out works to trees, one of which concerned trees by the pond.  We raised no objections and both were approved.

Filly Loo

The Filly Loo was not held in 2020 because of Covid-19 lockdown.


No further action has been taken on finding the hole in the pond.


Paul Whetham and his team have continued to look after the playground, for which many thanks.  Unfortunately, with the Lockdown, he has had to put up a notice saying not to use.


As in previous years I asm grateful for the help and support I have received during the year from parish councillors and our Dorset Councillor, Jane Somper.

As usual, our Clerk, Vivian Hitchmough, has been a great help to me and I am very grateful to her for all she does.   Although she had wished to step down as clerk, she has agreed to continue as clerk for which I am very grateful.

2021.11           Annual return and draft accounts for the year to 31.3.2021

The draft accounts had been prepared and the internal audit had been completed successfully.  The sum of current and deposit bank accounts at year end is £ 2975  as agreed with the audit statement

The Annual Return and Governance statement was agreed and duly signed and approved to be published on the web site. The certificate of exemption AGAR 2020/21 Part 2 was duly signed and will be returned  to auditors.

Proposed PH                                                   Seconded PKB

2019.19           Asset Risk Assessment

Financial and Management Systems Approved with no changes
Council assets Approved with no changes

Playing Field


Bus Shelter

Filly Loo

Notice Board

Telephone Box


Approved with no changes

Approved with no changes

Data Privacy Notice Approved with no changes

The Chairman explained that in previous years the War Memorial has not been listed as an item for third party risks but has been added to the policy to run from the end of May 2021.

It was thought that it should be covered for all risks in case of damage by a vehicle that does not stop or damage by vandals.  The Chairman agreed to find out what the cost would be.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.15 pm