Minutes – Monday 10th May 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 

held at Ashmore Village Hall

on Monday 10th May 2021 at  7.16pm



Chairman –   Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Andrew Featherstone (AF), Gilly Forge (GF), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB) Annette Ruff (AR)
Dorset Cllr Jane Somper
Clerk–  Vivian Hitchmough
6 members of the public

2021.23            Apologies:-     Sara Milton (SM)

2021.24           Minutes of the meeting of Monday January 11th 2021 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.

2021.25           Matters Arising

2021.26           Declarations of Interest

None – Councillors were reminded of this requirement.

2021.27           Updates from Officers

Planning Officer                     

AF reported that there had been three applications by email and the Parish Council had no objections.

Tree Officer

GF reported that a tree preservation order had been placed on a group of beech trees in Green Lane.

A member of the public had concerns regarding the danger the trees may cause as they overhang the road and asked why the Parish Council did not object.    GF explained that in principal there was a need to protect the trees and any danger was the responsibility of the land owner and the County Council.   Dorset Councillor Jane Somper explained that TPOs were placed on trees during the Covid crisis without a site visit as some may be taken down in error.           

Pond Officer               

Constantine Lindsey who was unable to attend the meeting said that the lack of rainfall has caused the pond to retreat to the current level.    Weed is building up but he will wait until the tadpoles reach maturity before tackling the problem.

Playground Representative

Paul Whetham advised that the playground is in good order and awaiting the ROPSA inspection this month.  He said the playground remains very popular.

Airfield Officer           

AF said nothing to report at the Airfield, but Dorset Council have been working over the last couple of years to re-arrange the junction of the road past the airfield with the C13 in order to improve safety.   Councillor Somper arranged several Zoom meetings to try to resolve the issues and get the improvement work actioned.   Councillor Somper explained that the proposal was made more complex because three parish councils were involved, bridleway and footpath crossings as well as Highways and land owners and common land.   She expected the issues to be resolved in the near future.  AF commended Dorset Councillor Jane Somper on her determination to resolve this.


AF reported that the village Awareness Session that was scheduled last year

was cancelled due to Covid restrictions.  He has tried to get this rearranged   now that restrictions are being lifted, but all that is on offer at present is a session by Zoom which will not be very effective.  He will continue to try to arrange a date for a physical session but in the meantime he had circulated 3 videos (by village email on 25/9/2020) on using the defibrillator, which he highly recommends watching.

The electricity supply to the former BT telephone box (used to power a tiny heater to keep the defibrillator dry and frost free) had been cut off by the extended power cut just after Christmas.  He is in touch with BT (via Community Heartbeat Trust) for the supply to be reconnected.   He checks the equipment each fortnight and submits a report online (which can be seen by the Ambulance service).  In answer to a question he was pleased to say that the defibrillator had not been used.

2021.28           Finance

                        The Audit and exemption certificate can now be forwarded to PKF Littlejohn

The exercise of public rights will run from 9th August to 27th September 2021 and these dates will be published on the web site.

A cheque for the internal auditor Mrs June Smart was signed.

50% precept has been credited to bank in the sum of £625

2021.29           County Councillor report

Dorset Cllr Somper’s full report had been ciculated to Councillors. She added that potholes and highway issues reported to DorsetForYou will be monitored and dealt directly by the teams carrying out the work.     She also said Dorset Explorer was a useful tool to use for information regarding footpaths etc.

She said there may be notification of change of day for waste collection which is part of a drive for cleaner, greener vehicles and a more efficient service.

Planning applications have increased with approximately 300 per month prior to lockdown and 600 now things are opening up so the system may take longer.

The Chairman asked her as to whether fibre broadband will be expanded in the village and Dorset Cllr Somper suggested he asked Wessex Internet in this regard.

2021.30           Payments        A cheque was signed for the insurance premium  in the sum of £ 393.37.


Questions from the public

Paul Whetham asked when the Green Lane roadworks would be carried out and Dorset Cllr Somper said there was a work order for between the 1st and the 21st June for resurfacing several roads in Ashmore.   The Chairman asked for prior warning for carers etc but Dorset Cllr Somper suggested that there would be access for residents.

2021.32           Correspondence   

                        There was none

2021.33           Items for the next Agenda


Date of next meeting

Monday September 6th 2021  at 7pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.54 pm