Parish Council Meeting Minutes – January 11th 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting January 11th 2021 was cancelled due to Covid Government restrictions.

January 2021


Chairman –   Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Andrew Featherstone (AF), Gilly Forge (GF), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB)
Sara Milton (SM) Annette Ruff (AR)

Clerk–  Vivian Hitchmough

2021.01            The Chairman had made contact by email with all Parish Councillors to agree the budget for 2021/22 and the application for precept for 2021/22

2021.02           Minutes of the meeting of Monday September 14th 2020 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.

2021.03           Matters Arising
The Chairman had circulated the budget figures and made contact with each Councillor through email.    Councillors agreed a precept application for £1250 with the final email received on 11th January.

2021.04           Action
The Clerk completed the precept form, scanned it and forwarded to Dorset Council.

2021.05           Dates for May and September meetings to be agreed.