Parish Council Meeting Minutes – May 16th 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting
held in the Village Hall
On Thursday May 16th 2024 at 7.30pm

Chairman – Richard Coplan (RC) Councillors – James Grazebrook (JG), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB), John Ball (JB), Angie Newnham (AN)

Clerk Vivian Hitchmough

There were 8 members of the public

2024.25 Apologies:- Cllr Gilly Forge, Cllr Colin Elford and County Councillor Jane Somper

2024.26 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 25th January 2024 were accepted and duly signed.

2024.27 Matters arising
The Chairman asked Philip Hamilton to report on the litter bin. He said the old one had rusted and a replacement had been purchased. The old bin is fixed to a concrete base so it will be necessary to construct a new base and fit the bin. The Chairman asked JB to follow it up and proposed a ceiling threshold of £150 which was seconded by JG.

2024.28 Updates
Planning AN reported an application for change of use on the trading estate which would bring in line with the rest of the building. There was no objection.

DAPTC The Chairman agreed that membership of the organisation is very helpful and necessary. The Clerk will advise of membership password to enable Councillors to access the members area on the site.

Trees No report

Pond The Chairman reported emails both positive and negative regarding a life ring or ladder in case of accidents . After discussion it was decided to investigate the type of rescue equipment at National Trust Stourhead which is unobtrusive and fits a rope and buoy to a stand. JB said the risk was very low but a child’s life could be saved using equipment in place.

Playground Paul reported no incidents and confirmed the ROSPA inspection will take place this month.

.Airfield JG report

Ashmore Parish Council. Airfield liaison meeting 16.5.24

Present: Jason Hammond – Airfield Manager
James Grazebrook – Ashmore Parish Council

Jason joined the airfield last week as the new overall Manager. He replaced Andrew Woods, who moved on in February. Jason‘s career was with the Army Air Corps. He commanded military airfields both temporary and permanent at home and abroad. He retired from the army this month. He was born in Salisbury and serves as a Justice of the Peace there now that he has returned to the area.
1. The restaurant re-opened at the beginning of the month with its new Oyler Smoker. They are starting with a fairly limited menu, expanding this as their experience grows. They want to do simple things well and expand from there.
2. They would welcome student workers during the summer. I’ve agreed to advertise this on the village WhatsApp group.
3. The airshow, organised by Aero Legends, on 10th and 11th August, is going ahead as planned. Parking will be Park and Ride from Claysmore School.
4. We talked about the Filly Loo. Jason will consult about keeping leaflets on their reception and whether this sets a difficult precedent. Ditto a prize for the Filly Loo.
5. We discussed private aircraft based at the airfield. They limit the number to a safe figure and have an extensive waiting list. It is incredibly sought-after.
6. Jason said that they have no plans to add new buildings. They will continue to upgrade current buildings. They may add in the future. No plans at present.
7. We ran through notes from my meeting with Andrew Woods in January and discussion on the footpath. These all remain current.
8. Jason clarified that the minimum legal flying height over the village is actually 1,000 feet except in emergency, or on approach to land at, or during departure from, an aerodrome. The 1400 feet in my report is the minimum height required by the airfield as part of noise abatement and their “good neighbour” plans.
9. He also confirmed that their noise abatement procedures require eastbound take-offs to make a 10 degree left turn immediately after take-off. Westbound take-offs have to make a 30 degree right turn. Both are noise abatement procedures. Both can be over-ruled for safety.
10. Ashmore residents who see a plane overflying the village at a low height should report this within a few minutes. Colour of aircraft? Heading direction ,exact time and any identifying marks? At 1,000 feet a sharp-eyed person can read the registration letters, but only straight on! Call 01747 811767. Do not press menu buttons 1, 2 or 3, but wait 10 seconds until the operator picks up. Reports are more useful if they are immediate, but retrospective action and tracing can be conducted so it is always worth reporting a clear safety violation.
11. The airfield will speak to the pilot involved. They have some disciplinary powers. Pilots are required to book landings by phone and accept briefing on approach procedures.
12. I mentioned that their phone line offers three choices – restaurant, landings and Aero Legends and there is then a very long pause before a voice says “please hold on for the operator”. Many would give up. Jason will check this.
13. Jason has worked with local communities over many years, not least with military jets flying at night. He is keen to continue and build on consultative groups and to agree a structure. He is keen to meet Jane Somper as he settles in.
14. I have marked this report as DRAFT. I will share it with Jason and agree any corrections.
15. I should add my appreciation for Jason finding time to meet. He did so in so I could attend the PC meeting fully briefed.
16. He is keen to attend a future PC meeting and introduce himself.

Defibrillator and the Telephone Box
The Chairman reported the defibrillator to be in good order, regularly checked and the battery replaced. He was grateful to Michael Moody for work carried out due to heavy rainfall. The interior needs a clean and this will be carried out.

2024.29 Update on the Mast Working Group

Ashmore Parish Council – Mast Working Group Report
1. We wrote to Sinclair Dalby via email on 7th February 2024, and this letter was circulated via email to the Ashmore community. Since then, apart from an acknowledgement of the letter, we have received no further communication from SD. This letter was also copied to both the relevant planning authorities for Wiltshire and Dorset and also copied to the respective MPs.
2. We understand from Rushmore Estate that the technical surveys were completed in late February but to date, no planning application has been received for the mast.
3. A follow-up email to the letter of 7th February was sent to Simon Hoare on 4th April requesting a meeting, but we have not received a response.
4. A website and poster are being prepared to oppose the mast, should a formal application be received. To that end the domain names, .org and have been purchased and once finished but un-published, we intend to send it to Sinclair Dalby for comment. Our thinking is that SD will not openly engage with us, especially if they have decided to park their application for the time being. We hope this invitation will encourage some statement from them.
5. A scale drawing of the mast with double-decker busses stacked beside it to give an idea of its size is show below. This will form the body of an opposition poster.
6. We are continuing to carry out research and work on strategy.
I would particularly like to thank James Grazebrook and Michelle Hilborne for the many hours spent delving into the National Planning Policy Framework, Cranborne Chase AONB Management Plan policy, Code of Practice for Wireless Network Development in England, gathering informal legal opinions, contacting rural estates and other groups opposing mobile phone masts.

Richard Coplan

Mast Working Group

Ashmore Parish Council

The Chairman said he had contacted the local M.P but had not received a reply and considered that a visit to his surgery may be advantageous.
2024.30 Finance Cheques were signed
Annual Insurance £554.8
ICL Web £90
DAPTC subscription £ 96.67

2024.31 Dorset Councillors report - none

2024.32 Questions from the public - none

2024.33 Any other business
Financing a defribrillator for the Village Hall
The Chairman advised that there was an opportunity to install a defibrillator outside the Village Hall through the Swans Trust. The Parish Council had put by £500 for election costs which were not needed so this money is available in Parish Council funds. The Village Hall Committee did not want to use their resources on this expense but may be prepared to maintain and fit the equipment. They have a meeting arranged to discuss this.

The Chairman was asked how easy the equipment is to use and he assured everyone that the process was very straightforward. JB said he thought a simple awareness leaflet and training courses would give villagers the confidence to use the equipment should it be necessary.

The Chairman took a vote on the matter. The five members of the Council voted unanimously and members of the public endorsed the decision.

2024.34 Items for next agenda Litter bin Defibrillator Rescue equipment, pond

2024.35 Date of next meeting Thursday 12th September 2024

Apologies JG

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15pm