Parish Council Meeting Minutes – September 14th 2020


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Ashmore Village Hall
on Monday September 14th 2020 at 7 pm

Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Andrew Featherstone (AF), Gilly Forge (GF), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB)
Sara Milton (SM)
Dorset Council - Cllr Jane Somper
Clerk– Vivian Hitchmough
5 members of the public

2020.35    Apologies:- Cllr Annette Ruff (AR) and Constantine Lindsey

2020.36    Minutes of the meeting of Monday May 11th 2020 which were held as a Zoom meeting were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of May 2019 were agreed as a true record and duly signed
Minutes of the Parish Meeting of May 2019 were agreed as a true record and duly signed
Minutes of the meeting of January 2020 which were agreed at the Zoom meeting of May 11th were duly signed.

2020.37    Matters Arising
Defibrillator. AF reported that the defibrillator had been fitted on February 12th and due to Covid 19 lockdown his plans to arrange an awareness evening had to be cancelled. He assured everyone that as soon as possible it will be rearranged. AF said that he submits a report to the ambulance service on a monthly basis. Heartbeat had submitted an invoice for payment for annual support costs and it was discussed as to whether to take up this service. A vote was taken and the decision made to accept the support costs. AF will contact Heartbeat in this respect and arrange a new correctly dated invoice to be sent for payment.
Acceptance of office forms were duly signed in front of the Clerk.
Disclosable interest forms were collected and all will be photocopied and originals forwarded to Electoral Services at South Walks House.

2020.38    Declarations of Interest
None – Councillors were reminded of this requirement.

2020.39    Updates from Officers
DAPTC Nothing to report

Planning Officer AF said planning had been quiet during this period.
A ground floor extension to Three Horseshoes had been withdrawn.
An extension at Meadow Cottage had been approved.
Parish Council were not consultees on the Polytunnels at Ashmore Manor

Tree Officer
GF reported that work to the trees around the pond has been done. Unfortunately ash dieback has reached the village.
Permission was given for an infected ash tree to be felled at The Old Parsonage.
Permission has been given for a mature Eucalyptus tree and a cypress to be felled at Lynchett House
Persmission has been sought to work on ash trees with dieback in the churchyard.
The temporary tree preservation order placed on the group of beech trees on the land adjacent to the chapel on Green Lane has been confirmed, which I take to mean is now permanent.

Pond Officer
Constantine Lindsey who was unable to attend the meeting reported that large reeds had been removed around the edge of the pond and the run off pipes had been cleaned and were working well.

Playground Representative
Paul Whetham advised that the playground had been closed during this period and a closed notice had been taken down by someone. He believes the playground has been used however and this must have been at the users own risk. Agreed not to replace notice.

Airfield Officer
AF reported that the meeting arranged for May had been cancelled.

2020.40    Report Councillor Jane Somper
Cllr Somper had forwarded her report for Cllrs and the general public introducing the Lead Members for specific areas. She reported on school transport and the impact on Dorset Council areas of the abolition of Public Health England and the continuing work in supporting vulnerable residents.
She said there was to be a digital version of the renamed Blackmore Vale on 18th September and a hard copy setting up. There will be data transfer on the planning system and information will not be available for access between 24th to 28th September. Planning application deadlines will be extended. As asked Cllr Somper whether there had been delays in planning due to home working and she said the impact was unknown but obviously very difficult with no face to face contact. Cllr Somper was asked at what level these decisions had been taken and she said that it was at senior management level, but safety of stff providing essential services was priority.

2020.41    Finance
The Clerk had circulated the bank reconciliation.

2020.42    Questions from the public
There was a question regarding roadworks in the village and the Chairman said they had been cancelled at this time. Green Lane was a particular issue as the road was breaking up due to heavy lorry/tractor traffic. Cllr Somper said that advisory signs for No HGV can be erected but they are not compulsory and are often ignored. She suggested asking drivers to be more responsible with speed in the lane. AF reminded everyone that HGV and lorry owners pay a great deal more in road fund which reflects the damage they do.

2020.43    Correspondence
There was none

2020.44    Items for the next Agenda
There was none

Date of next meeting

Monday January 11th 2021 at 7pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40 pm