Minutes – Thursday 7th September 2023

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Ashmore Village Hall
on Thursday September 7th 2023 at 7.00pm

Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH) Councillors: – Philippa Kelway Bamber (PKB) Gilly Forge (GF), Annette Ruff (AR), Richard Coplan (RC)

There were 6 members of the public and Dorset Councillor Jane Somper.

2023.41 Apologies Cllr James Grazebrook and Constantine Lindsey

2023.42 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 18th May 2023 were agreed and duly signed.

2023.43 Declarations of Interest. The Chairman reminded Councillors of their responsibility to declare an interest or a company interest whether personal, via a trust or a company in any item on the agenda and take no part in discussions or decisions regarding that interest.

2023.44 Matters Arising

a. Speed sign to the west of village. The pole has been replaced so the sign should not blow around when windy.

b. Mobile Phone Mast. BT called to see where the proposed mast location was to be as they had a contract to quote access from mast to BT fibre. The Chairman showed them the location but has heard nothing since.

2023.45 Updates from officers

DAPTC Nothing to report, although the Chairman said that both he and the Clerk use their services and the  subscription was worthwhile.

Planning Nothing to report

Trees GF reported the current tree application

North Farm House, High Street. Felling a Pine and a Cedar tree.

GF had responded stating that the Parish Council would hope to see suitable replacements.

Pond The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to the hard work carried out by Constantine Lindsey. He will wait for the ducks to leave the pond before adding the Aquaplancton which should improve the clarity of the pond. A vote of thanks was proposed by GF and seconded by PKB. The Chairman thanked Paul Whetham for his help in providing two islands for the many ducklings enjoying the pond. He has also been feeding the ducks.

Playground Paul confirmed the equipment to be in good working order. He said the waste bin was rusted and needs replacement. It was not obvious whether the Parish Council or the Village Hall were responsible for the replacement and PKB suggested a 50% donation from each would be suitable. The Chairman will speak with the Village Hall committee.

Airfield In the absence of JG, RC will attend the public meeting next week. He will ask if a no fly zone over the village can be reinstated, although Paul Whetham was not aware there was a restriction. Mr Moody said the area around the airfield has been extended as his nephew is now not able to fly his drone.

Defibrillator RC reported the equipment to be in good working order. The battery will be due for replacement and a training session on the equipment on June 4th was successful.

Telephone Box RC confirmed that it was agreed at the AGM to refurbish the telephone box. Mr Moody who was at the meeting has worked really hard and the box is looking very smart. There is still work to be completed but he is waiting for the end of the hot spell to finish. RC had given the receipt for the paint etc to the Clerk and she provided a cheque in the sum of £114.18

2023.46 Finance

The Clerk has requested the 22/23 VAT return monies in the sum of £41. The Chairman advised that costs for the telephone box refurbishment had not been included calculating the Precept, but there were adequate funds available.

2023.47 Dorset Councillor Jane Somper’s report

Cllr Jane Somper asked Councillors and the public to respond to the Housing Strategy Consultation which is presently live.

She reported a “Slow down” trial for ten villages in North Dorset that are not eligible for 20mph official signage. This trial is supported by local Dorset Councillors and the Police and Crime Commissioner. These are temporary signs to be put in place for 12 months and an evaluation will be carried out after this time to see if there has been improved safety by reducing speeds. They will be put in place on the entry and the exit to the village. The scheme is specifically targeted at rural villages . There is no charge for the signage. RC asked if there were photographs to see exactly what the signs looked like and Cllr Somper did not have them available but will endeavour to send a copy through. The Chairman said in principal it sounded like a good scheme with speeding an issue and it will help with the perception of the actual speed of a vehicle whilst not recognising the actual vehicle. He said a survey around the village will decide whether they will agree to the signage, although members of the public in attendance agreed it was a suitable scheme for the village.

The Chairman proposed the survey and RC seconded.

2023.48 Questions from the public

None, but Anna Lewis thanked Cllr Somper for her hard work for the village.

2023.49 Any other business

Road Junction
JG has continued his efforts to improve the signage at the junction of the road from Ludwell, Tollard Royal, the airfield and Zig Zag Hill. The white lines showing the junction have been repainted but, so far he has been unable to persuade the Highway Authority (Wiltshire) to put up an advance sign of the junction .

The Chairman had circulated a note to everyone in Ashmore asking for overhanging hedges to be cut back. Dorset Council state hedges should be cut back from the edge of the highway by 45mm and they ask Town and Parish Councils to identify locations where problems exist. Councillors had a general discussion on the way forward and it was agreed that on a very informal basis a Councillor will have a word with the few people who are not cutting back overhanging vegetation. Paul Whetham said the nesting season was finished so that would not stop this work from being carried out. Councillors agreed that a second note should be circulated reminding people that there was a liability should an accident occur due to overhanging vegetation from their property.

2023.50 Items for next agenda None outstanding.

2023.51 Date of next meeting

Thursday January 25th 2024 at 7pm

2023.52 The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm