Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Council
held at Ashmore Village Hall
on Thursday May16th 2024 at 7pm
Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH) Councillors – Philippa Kelway-Bamber ( PKB) James Grazebrook (JG), Richard Coplan (RC)
Clerk Vivian Hitchmough
There were 8 members of the public
2024.15 Apologies Cllr Gilly Forge and Dorset Councillor Jane Somper
2024.16 The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 18th May 2023 were agreed and duly signed.
The Chairman Philip Hamilton then stood down from the Council and Cllr Richard Coplan thanked Philip for his time in office and his hard work representing and supporting Councillors and the village.
RC then introduced two new Councillors to office Cllr Angie Newnham (AN) and Councillor John Ball (JB) and a third Councillor Colin Elford (CF)who was unable to attend.
2024.17 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Position / Name / Proposed / Seconded
Chairman / Richard Coplan / PKB / AN
Vice-Chair / Philippa Kelway-Bamber / RC / JG
2023.24 Election of Officers
Position / Name / Proposed / Seconded
Planning Officer / Angie Newnham / RC / JG
Tree Officer / Gilly Forge / PKB / RC
Airfield Officer / James Grazebrook / RC / PKB
Defibrillator and telephone box / Richard Coplan / AN / JG
Pond / John Ball / RC / AN
Playground / John Ball / RC / AN
DAPTC / All Councillors and Clerk
Election of Representatives
Playground / Paul Whetham / RC / AN
Pond / Constantine / Lyndsey / RC / AN
Declarations of interest were duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk
Former Chairman’s report (Philip Hamilton) 2023/24
We told Dorset Council that our precept for 2024/25 should be £4,000. The increase was necessary to cover repairs, election costs and costs that might arise in objecting to the mobile phone mast.
In 2023/2024 there were four planning applications that we were consulted on. All were approved.
We were notified of three applications to carry out works to trees. We raised no objections and they were approved.
Filly Loo
The Filly Loo was held in 2022 on 23rd June and was a great success.
Lyndsey continued working on the pond keeping the weed under control and adding Aquaplancton that helps clear the water and stimulates beneficial bacteria consuming rotting matter and reducing the silt.
Paul Whetham has continued to look after the playground. We agreed with the Village Hall Committee to replace the litter bin. This has been bought but has yet to be installed.
As in previous years I am grateful for the help and support I have received during the year from parish councillors and our Dorset Councillor, Jane Somper. I am greateful also for the work councillors and representatives do for their responsibilities. Again, our Clerk, Vivian Hitchmough, has been a great help to me and I am very grateful to her for all she does.
2024.19 Annual Return and draft accounts for the year to 31.3.2024
The draft accounts had been prepared and circulated and the internal audit had been completed successfully.
The Annual return and Governance Statement was agreed and duly signed and approved to be published on the web site. The certificate of exemption AGAR 2023/24 Part 2 was duly signed and will be returned to auditors. The Chairman asked if there were any questions in this regard. There were none.
Proposed RC Seconded JG
2024.20 Asset Risk Assessment
The Chairman reported no new assets had been acquired with no greater risk.
2024.21 Date of next meeting Thursday May 15th 2025
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.20 pm