Minutes – Monday 20th January 2020


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held at Ashmore Village Hall

on Monday 20th January 2020 at 7pm


Chairman –  Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB), Sara Milton (SM), Annette Ruff (AR)and Andrew Featherstone (AF)

County Councillor – Jane Somper
Clerk– Vivian Hitchmough
4 members of the public

2020.01           Apologies        Gilly Forge (GF), Paul Whetham and Constantine Lindsey
2020.02           Minutes of the meeting of Monday September 9th2019 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2020.03           Matters Arising  

Defibrillator.   AF reported that the defibrillator had been purchased from the Heartbeat Trust under a four year lease agreement.   This arrangement is advantageous as the Trust are responsible for insurance, repairs and replacement for the duration of the lease after which time the equipment may be purchased for a nominal charge.   AF explained there would need to be a physical check on the equipment once a week enabling the ambulance service to know it is in good working order.   He said he would like volunteers to carry out the checks.   AF said we are now waiting for installation and then familiarisation and awareness training for members of the public. A member of the public asked where the equipment will be housed and AF said the telephone box was the choice as there is an electricity supply.

2020.04           Declarations of Interest
None – Councillors were reminded of this requirement

2020.05           Updates from Officers
Planning report.
The Chairman reported that there had been two applications since the last meeting.

Thatched Bird Cottage – an application for Listed Building Consent to carry out repairs and minor alterations.   The Parish Council made no comment and consent has been granted subject to conditions.

Ashmore House – an application for Listed Building Consent to carry out internal alterations on the first floor. The Parish Council made no comment and a decision is awaited.

Tree Officer   -
In GFs absence the Chairman advised that no applications had been received but applications have been made.   He was trying to find out why the Parish Council had not been consulted.   Cllr Jane Somper confirmed that Parish Councils were not consulted and she was endevouring to change this situation.

Ashmore House – removal of lower branches of Stone Pine – approved

Churchyard – removal of elders and dead trees in northern corner of churchyard – approved.

Acorn Cottage – lift the crown on The Barn side – approved.

Pond Officer
The Chairman reported that the pond is leaking and the weed (Australian Stonecrop or New Zealand Pygmy Weed) is continuing to grow.   Neither matter can be dealt with until later in the year when the water warms up and perhaps the water level drops. He said that at the same time they will investigate changing the profile of the pond so that it is deeper around the edges and so evaporation will be reduced.

Playground Officer
In his absence Paul Whetham had advised that the playground is in good order.

Airfield Representative
AF advised that the main discussion at the meeting was alterations to the triangle junction.   As yet there was no movement on this.

2020.06           Cllr Andrew Featherstone in discussion with the Chairman was prepared to take over the Planning Officer role from the Chairman.

Proposed by PH
Seconded by PKB


2020.07           Payments
A Cheque was signed for the Clerk’s salary in arrears.

The Chairman had circulated an estimate of expenditure, bank reconciliation and an estimate for the annual Tax Base to Councillors for approval.

The Chairman proposed a precept of £1,250 for 2020/21.
Seconded AF.   All Councillors were in approval.

The Clerk will now make the claim before 31st January 2020.

2020.08           County Councillor Jane Somper
Cllr. Jane Somper advised that views are being sought on the future of Dorset Heathlands aimed at protecting areas of sensitive heathland.

There are proposals in place to increase funding for children’s services of £10.3m and adult social caare of £11.7m

The Climate Emergency Panel met in December to discuss the use of single use plastic by Dorset Council and have asked for a “call for ideas” to tackle climate change and ecology concerns.

Cllr Somper is considering to hold bi-monthly surgeries and she is seeking views in this regard.

Dorset Council is seeking resident’s views on how to financially support the voluntary sector beyond March 2021. She said the present arrangements are unequal with some areas of Dorset receiving significantly more funding than others.   The survey is available on the Dorset Council website.

2020.09           Questions from the public
“Ms Harding said she would like to raise the issue of tackling climate change particularly sustainability and recycling. On sustainability she suggested Ashmore might have its own wind or solar farm or the whole village purchasing its electricity form the same green source. Cllrs said that people would be interested if costs were not too high.   Cllr Jane Somper advised that biodiversity and awareness of other sources of energy were very important but need to be weighted against the importance of Conservation Areas and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.   On recyling, Ms Harding said she would like the village to introduce a box scheme for items of rubbish not presently recycled.

The Chairman said this was a subject to be added to the agenda for the May meeting but that he, AF and Ms Harding should meet before then to produce a report.”

2020.10           Correspondence
There was none

2020.11           Any other business
The Chairman advised that the Clerk intended to stand down and asked the public if they would ask around to see if there was anyone who would like to take on the role of Parish Clerk.

2020.12           Items for the next Agenda
Village sustainability

Date of next meeting
Monday May 11th 2020 plus AGM and Parish Meeting 7pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40 pm