Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at St Nicholas Church, Ashmore on
Monday May 9th 2022 at 7.16pm
Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Andrew Featherstone (AF), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB)
Clerk– Vivian Hitchmough
4 members of the public
2022.22 Apologies:- Annette Ruff (AR) Sara Milton (SM) Gilly Forge (GF), Dorset Cllr Jane Somper
2022.23 Minutes of the meeting of Monday January 17th 2022 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2022.24 Matters Arising
Dog Waste Bins. After a request from a resident regarding an extra dog bin the Chairman contacted Dorset Council who would be prepared to erect a bin, but the maintenance and the cost of emptying of the bin would be the responsibility of the Parish Council. The Chairman asked Councillors if they considered it to be of a sufficient nuisance and if so, where to place the bins.
Most dog owners responsibly pick up their dog waste and whilst a bin is useful it would be more helpful if they bagged and took the waste home which most people do. After a general discussion it was decided not to take any further action.
2022.25 Declarations of Interest
None. The Chairman reminded Councillors that any interest in a property under discussion must be declared.
2022.26 Updates from Officers
Nothing to report.
Planning Officer
AF reported there had been four recent applications one of which had not been commented on by the Council in the allotted time. AF will circulate the details for comments with intention of making a late response.
Tree Officer
Nothing to report
Pond Officer
Constantine Lynsey had reported that there was a need to deal with the weed around the edge of the pond but will wait until the tadpoles had matured to frogs. There will be a need to clear the sump at the High Street side of the pond.
Playground Representative
Paul Whetham said there were no reported incidents.
Airfield Officer
AF had nothing to report
Fortunately the apparatus has not been used. AF will arrange an awareness meeting shortly.
2022.27 Dorset Councillor Jane Somper
In her absence Cllr Jane Somper sent her report.
Cllr Somper has had a challenging year supporting councils and residents and she has enjoyed this particular role. She said she has been particularly moved by the support for the people of Ukraine in our area with homes being opened up to welcome them.
Speed watch is gaining momentum with volunteer and police support.
She has been supporting local business with, in particular the need for digital infrastructure.
She appreciates the hard work of local farmers.
The recycling rates for Dorset have reached 60%, 3rd best authority in England.
She mentioned the network of organisations working together to support communities across Dorset during the first lockdown who are now supporting Ukrainian refugees.
Children’s services are pleased to report there has been a reduction in the number of care placements made outside the county. The service is now Good and Outstanding in the latest Ofsted report.
Planning has merged from six council areas to into one system, migrating 47 years of data and over 4 million documents to the new system in one year.
2022.28 Finance
50% of the annual precept had been received, in the sum of £1000
The Chairman reported that the annual insurance premium was due for renewal and the premium had increased considerably to £470.03 The Chairman had been in touch with the company in this regard but was unable to secure a lower amount. He proposed payment and this was seconded by AK.
2022.29 Other Business
The Chairman reported that the Village Hall was now not available on a Monday evening for meetings due to a Yoga class , hence this meeting being held in St Nicholas Church. It was decided to change the Parish Council meetings to a Wednesday in future in order to book the Village Hall.
PH proposed, PKB seconded.
2022.30 Questions from the public
2022.31 Correspondence
2022.32 Items for the next Agenda
GF who was unable to attend the meeting had concerns regarding large scale litter close to the village particularly in North Road and on the village boundary. There were also problems at the entrance to the woods at the start of the Airfield Road and just over the Dorset border. The Chairman has spoken with District Councillor Jane Somper and has decided to place a notice on the Notice Board with the telephone number at Dorset Council to deal with these matters.
Date of next meeting Wednesday September 7th 2022
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm