Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Ashmore Village Hall
on Thursday May18th 2023 at 7.30pm
Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH) Councillors – Gilly Forge (GF), Annette Ruff (AR), James Grazebrook (JG), Richard Coplan (RC)
There were 6 members of the public
2023.31 Apologies Cllr Philippa Kelway- Bamber and Dorset Councillor Jane Somper
2023.32 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 9th May 2022 were agreed and duly signed.
The minutes of the Emergency Meeting held on 3rd March 2023 were agreed and duly signed.
2023.33 Declarations of Interest.
The Chairman reminded Councillors of their responsibility to declare an interest whether personal, via a trust or a company in any item on the agenda and take no part in discussions or decisions regarding that interest.
2023.34 Matters Arising
The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council insurance policy does include the pond and the Filly Loo.
The Chairman had reported the speed sign which revolves in the wind on a couple of occasions. To date there has been no action from Dorset Council on this.
The phone mast is an ongoing issue and local residents Michelle and Johnny have been active in this regard. Michelle was in attendance at the meeting and explained the action being taken at the moment. It was decided not to prepare a draft letter prior to the possible application and any letter would need to be tailored to the application.
Michelle had circulated information in March to Councillors regarding an action plan but the Chairman had no recollection of receiving it.
2023.35 Updates from officers
DAPTC Nothing to report
Planning None
Trees GF reported the current tree applications.
The felling of four Ash Trees with Ash dieback at Noade Cottage. Permission given.
Felling an Ash with dieback and pruning of a Yew at Laburnum Cottage. Permission given.
Felling an Ash with dieback and general garden annual pruning of various trees at Acorn Cottage. Permission given.
Felling of a Beech tree, four Hawthorn trees, 2 Apple trees and a Cherry; plus general pruning of shrubs at Joyners Cottage. Permission given.
Felling of two Silver Birch at Glebe House. Permission pending.
GF urged, where possible that those who lose large trees replant, perhaps with smaller trees. She wanted to thank Emma and Charlie Lane for planting three Oak trees at the bottom of their meadow, which will be enjoyed in the future.
Pond The Chairman confirmed that Constantine Lindsey had removed a great deal of weed and cleared the drains except for one large one by the High Street which will be cleared soon. Reeds will be cut back, but enough left for the ducks.
Playground Paul had nothing to report.
Airfield JG was hoping to attend the Consultative Group meeting at the Airfield but a date has not been set. JG said he will follow up independently if no date is finalised before July 6th. JG confirmed the historic aircraft are Spitfire and Mustang to fly from the airfield.
Defibrillator RC reported the equipment to be in good working order and it has been used once this year.
Telephone Box RC gave a comprehensive report on the poor condition of the box and his intention to recruit a task force of volunteers to work on the phone box. RC considered the total cost to be in the region of £120. The hedge behind the box needed to be cut back and the Chairman suggested contact with the owner prior to work being carried out. A risk assessment would also need to be in place prior to volunteers working on the box. The task was proposed by PH and seconded by GJ.
2023.36 Finance
The Chairman confirmed that 50% of the precept had been received in the sum of £1100.
The Chairman reported the insurance premium was due in June in the sum of £507.30, an increase of 8%. He proposed payment and this was seconded by JG. JG had concerns regarding the 3rd party cover on the bus shelter and the cost of replacement should the shelter be damaged. JG proposed that he investigate the cost of replacement. PKB and GF had information regarding the original construction and build of the bus shelter.
2023.37 Dorset Councillor Jane Somper’s report
In her absence Jane sent her report and the Chairman read it.
Parking meters will be upgraded across Dorset with payment options including cash and display screens will be at a height for wheelchair access.
Some villages have had success with 20mph zones but the Chairman said Ashmore did not meet the criteria for a 20mph zone.
She confirmed £2914000 Government funding has been set aside for road resurfacing on Dorset roads
There is a support fund for low-income households. Residents can call DC Customer services on 01305 221000.
Community Grants have been made available up to £5000 for projects that bring communities together.
2023.38 Questions from the public
When questioned on training for the defibrillator RC assured everyone that this will be actioned as soon as possible.
GF reported large lorries were eroding the banks in various areas. It was suggested that the Chairman write to the farmers on behalf of the Parish Council to ask them to speak with employees and contractors with a mind to be more careful when travelling through the village. The Chairman will write in this regard.
2023.39 Items for next agenda
DAPTC membership
2023.40 Any other business
RC confirmed that the email from Michelle was indeed circulated and apologies were given to Michelle for the misunderstanding.
Date of next meeting
Thursday September 7th 2023 with apologies in advance from JG
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm