Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at
Ashmore Village Hall on
Wednesday January 25th 2023 at 7pm
Chairman -Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors – Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB), Gilly Forge (GF)
Dorset Councillor Jane Somper
There were 8 members of the public
2023.11 Apologies Annette Ruff (AR)
2023.12 Minutes of the meeting of Monday September 7th 2022 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2023.13 Declarations of interest. The Chairman reminded Councillors they should declare an interest whether personal, via a trust or a company in any item on the agenda and take no part in any discussion or decision regarding that interest.
2023.14 Matters arising.
The Chairman confirmed that Sara Milton and Andrew Featherstone had resigned from the Council and he was grateful for their input and Andrew’s hard work for the Parish Council.
Two new Councillors were co-opted and asked to take their place on the council.
Councillor Richard Coplan (RC) and Councillor James Grazebrook (JG)
Their co-option was proposed by PH and seconded by PKB.
Declarations of Acceptance of Office were duly signed and the Clerk will advise Dorset Council and the new Councillors will be entered on the County register.
Due to the resignations there was a need to allocate responsibilities.
RC agreed to take responsibility for the defibrillator. Steve Green has indicated that he will check the defibrillator weekly to ensure the battery is working and RC will make regular reports to the Community Heartbeat Trust who pass the information to the ambulance service. He will arrange an “awareness meeting” to give people confidence in using the apparatus. Community Heartbeat trust will provide the training.
JG agreed to take responsibility for the airfield with many changes taking place due to new ownership.
2023.15 Updates from officers
Planning Nothing to report
DAPTC Nothing to report
Trees GF reported that a diseased tree behind Ashmore House
had been felled.
Pond Constantine Lynsey had reported to the Chairman that the gutters that feed water to the pond had been checked and cleared. He was looking into a further gutter being diverted to the pond. The Australian Pond Weed is stubborn but a great deal has been cleared. Later in the year Aquaplancton will be added to help keep the water clear and the main drain through which the road water enters the pond will be cleared.
Playground Paul Whetham said the playground was in good condition and he continues to monitor it.
Airfield GF reported that the cafe at the airfield will be upgraded and extended which will increase traffic. Guy Richie has entered into an agreement with Areo Legends.
This will be a new reporting responsibility for JG
Defibrillator New reporting responsibility for RC
2023.15 Finance
Cheques for Community Heartbeat and the Clerk’s salary handed to the Chairman to be signed at a later date.
The Chairman had circulated a report and calculation to councillors for a decision when applying for the precept.
PH proposed £2200 for the coming year and this was seconded by GF. The Clerk will now advise county of the decision and apply for £2200.
2023.16 Dorset Councillor’s report
Cllr Jane Somper reported that the government is giving local authorities more flexibility in setting Council Tax by increasing the referendum limit for increases by up to 3% per year from April 2023. Adult social care precept may be increased by up to 2% per year. A decision will be taken at full council on February 14th.
Cllr Jane Somper’s report for January to March 2023 is extensive with a lot of valuable information and the Chairman will ensure a copy is placed on the notice board.
2023.17 Any Other Business
The Chairman thanked the Clerk for agreeing to stay in place as she had thought to retire.
The Chairman had received a suggestion that there should be life saving equipment by the pond. The insurance policy does cover eventualities regarding the pond but the council must take precautions such as conducting a risk assessment on liabilities and provide a notice showing the depth of the pond. He had thought about the possibilities of a buoy with a floating rope but feels it may be stolen and asked for suggestions. JG will speak with the RNLI in this regard.
2023.18 Items for next agenda - pond risk assessment
2023.19 Questions from the public
Concerns were raised regarding children playing around the pond and skating on the ice. The Chairman had told children of the dangers.
The 30mph sign out to Fontmell is turned in the wind and the pole is rusty. The Chairman will report this to Highways.
Concerns were raised with changes at the Airfield as to whether there was an agreement not to allow aircraft to pass over Ashmore. There is no such agreement but landing and take off flight paths should result in planes not flying over Ashmore. Cllr Jane Somper said it was not a matter for the local authority.
2023.20 Date of next meeting
Thursday May 18th 2023
7pm Annual General Meeting
followed by the Annual Parish Meeting
followed by the Council Meeting