Parish Council Meeting Minutes – January 25th 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Ashmore Village Hall
on Thursday January 25th 2024 at 7.00pm

Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH) Councillors: – Philippa Kelway Bamber (PKB), Gilly Forge (GF), Richard Coplan (RC), James Grazebrook (JG)

There were 11 members of the public and Dorset Councillor Jane Somper.

2024.1 Apologies Cllr Annette Ruff (AR)

2024.2 The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 7th September 2023 were agreed and duly signed.

2024.3 Declarations of Interest. The Chairman reminded Councillors of their responsibility to declare an interest or a company interest whether personal, via a trust or a company in any item on the agenda and take no part in discussions or decisions regarding that interest.

2024.4 Matters Arising - None

2024.5 Updates from officers
DAPTC Nothing to report

Planning The Chairman reported on three applications since the last meeting.

Long Close House - the Parish Council objected to the external staircase and the application was changed putting the stairs inside one of the bays.

Glebe House – no objection from the Parish Council

Gore Farm – no objection from the Parish Council

Trees GF reported there had been two applications for tree felling both within the conservation area of the village.

Horse Chestnut near Lords Mead

Yew tree growing behind The Old Parsonage

GF said the presence of vertical tall trees is so important to protect the character of Ashmore and she would hope that replacements would be planted.

Pond The Chairman reported that Aquaplancton will be spread this year to clear the water. This procedure was not carried out last year as sediment was stirred up while clearing weeds and it was inappropriate with ducks and duckings on the pond.

A member of the public asked if the toad population would be safe with the addition of the Aquaplancton and the Chairman assured her that all livestock was completely safe.

Playground Paul confirmed that the playground is in good order although the matting is a little worn in places. The Chairman reported the bottom of the liner in the litter bin has rusted away. JG and the Chairman had investigated a replacement liner but in each case they were ill fitting and would cost £114 to £126. A new bin would cost £191 including carriage fixing bolts and VAT, plus a possible £50 to secure to the ground. £250 would be included in the precept for the replacement. The Chairman proposed and the motion was seconded by PKB.

Airfield GF gave a comprehensive report on the Airshow to be held at Compton Abbas on 10th/11th August. He said it should attract 5000 people each day with park and ride arrangements from Claysmore School. The air display is tightly regulated to the North of the airfield with no over-fly of Ashmore. There is to be 11 weekends this summer operating the Spitfire, Harvard and Stearman aircrafts. GF was assured that any aircraft over-flying Ashmore should be at a height of 1400 feet at least. The aircraft registration details can be seen by the naked eye if flying under 1000 feet and residents are encouraged to call the airfield on 01747 811767. This action should be done straight away with direction of plane, colour etc if the registration is not clear.

GF reported the planning application to divert the footpath that crosses the runway for safety reasons. There was some objection to the barbed wire fencing on both sides of the new footpath around the perimeter of the runway. The Chairman proposed approving the new route of the footpath which was seconded by PKB. Objections to the barbed wire might be by letter. GF will make enquiries in this regard.

The Chairman thanked GF for his hard work and reporting on the airfield.

Defibrillator RC reported the equipment to be in good working order with the new battery replacement.

Telephone Box RC reported that a pane of glass had been broken due to vandalism and replaced and a new defibrillator sign purchased and erected. The Chairman thanked RC and Mr Moody for their hard work.

2024.6 Mobile Phone Mast
RC explained that due to the complexities of any application to site a tall mast, a working group has been set up. It was agreed that the Parish Council will be opposing any tall mast application but would support mini masts (8 mtrs max). The group have been made aware of the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act 2023 reinforcing the need for Councils to conserve and enhance natural beauty within an area of National Landscape (the new name for AONB. The group had thought not to engage with Sinclair Dalby who are the surveyors working on behalf of Cornerstone until a formal application had been made. Now that a feasibility study was to be carried out the group considered that, with the Parish Council’s strong defence and tall masts not being necessary, the Council’s views should be made known. RC thanked JG and Michelle Hilborne for the hours spent delving into the National Planning Policy Framework, Cranborne Chase AONB plan and the code of practice for Wireless Network Development in England.

If an application is made RC and GF will raise a draft letter and the Chairman will advise parishioners of their right to object.

2024.7 Speeding in Ashmore
JG explained the data required to ascertain the actual speeds drivers were travelling at through the village. Depending on the data, decisions can be made regarding signage etc. This at a cost of £330 including VAT. To summarise, GF said their general view is that speeds through the village would not be eligible for additional signage or S.I.D and there may be hostility towards the signage etc. A vote was taken with a split result and after the Chairman’s vote of against it was decided not to go ahead.

RC said the 30mph signs were obscured by overgrowth and said he would clear the overhanging growth and the Chairman thanked him.

2024.8 Parish Council Election
The Chairman reported that there is strict timetable for the nomination papers to be completed, witnessed and returned in person to Dorset Council. The election will be on May 2nd. All existing Councillors will stand down on 7th May and those nominated and elected will take office from 7th May. If no more than 7 people are nominated there will be no need for an election and all will take office on 7th May. Nomination papers are on line and available now. The Chairman has copies of the blank nomination forms.

2024.9 Finance
The Chairman had circulated the Bank Reconciliation and the Precept calculation for the 2024/25 expenditure.
The precept or tax base application has to be submitted by the clerk by 31st January so the Chairman proposed an increased precept to £4000 to cover repairs to the telephone box, repairs to the playground, the cost of the new litter bin and possible legal costs incurred due to objections to the mobile phone mast and election costs. The Chairman proposed the increase and it was seconded by RC.

Cheques were signed to reimburse RC for glass, signage etc. Backdated salary and expenses for the clerk, external audit fee, domain name costs for ICL Web and Heartbeat Trust.

2024.10 Cllr Jane Somper, County Council report
Cllr Somper gave a comprehensive report on revenue support and community asset transfer. She invited residents and businesses and visitors to share their views in what they consider to be transport opportunities and issues across Dorset in order for the council to develop a new joint Local Transport Plan shaping the changes for the future. The link to the survey Local transport Plan Opportunities and Issues - Page 1 of 16 Dorset Council Citizen Space. She advised grants for community tree planting from the Dorset Community Tree Fund. She recommended reporting fly tipping and abandoned vehicles to Dorset Council. She advised the public not to touch anything that has been fly tipped as there are forensic information which the police can use to prosecute individuals. Fly tipping on private land is the obligation of the landowner to remove but again, forensic information may be taken prior to removal and result in prosecutions.

2024.11 Questions from the public - none

2024.12 Any other business – none

2024.13 Items for next agenda – updates

2024.14 Date of next meeting which will include the AGM -
Thursday 16th May 2024 at 7pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30 pm