Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held online via Zoom during the Corona Virus lockdown
on Monday 11 May 2020 at 7.20 pm
Chairman – Philip Hamilton (PH)
Councillors –Andrew Featherstone (AF), Gilly Forge (GF), Philippa Kelway-Bamber (PKB), Sara Milton (SM), Annette Ruff (AR), Dorset Councillor Jane Somper
7 members of the public
2020.24 Apologies:- Vivian Hitchmough
2020.25 Minutes of the meeting of Monday 20 January 2020 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2020.26 Matters Arising
Defibrillator. AF reported that the Defibrillator was now up and running in the telephone kiosk.He checks it weekly. An awareness evening had been arranged for members of the village but due to Corona Virus this had to be postponed. This will be rearranged as soon as is possible. AF
2020.27 Declarations of Interest
Councillors were asked to complete the forms and return to the Chairman.
2020.28 Updates from Officers
Planning Officer -a planning application at Meadow Cottage for a single story extension had been approved.
There is an ongoing planning application at the Three Horseshoes. It was agreed to support the application but to ask for a reduction in the height of the rear pitch. AF
Tree Officer - a preservation order has been put on the Beech Trees in Green Lane.
There is work to be carried out on the two Maple trees by the pond. An
estimate for the work had been received for £350 from John Heenan, tree surgeon, and was approved.
It was agreed that the cost of tree guards for young trees planted on land not belonging to the Parish Council should not be paid for out of Parish funds. GF
Pond Officer - Nothing new to report. The hole has yet to be discovered.
Ongoing maintenance is carried out as per the last few years.
Playground Representative - nothing to report
Airfield Officer - a meeting is to be held in June to discuss road alterations at Gore Clump. Jane Somper said that an sign advising HGVs not to use the road past the airfield but difficult to see if there has been a reduction in traffic in present circumstances.
2020.29 Finance - The Audit and exemption certificate can now be forwarded to PKF Littlejohn.
2020.30 Payments - No Clerk present, no cheques to sign/payments to approve.
2020.31 Dorset Councillor’s report - report had been circulated previously (both to Councillors and residents). Councillor Somper stressed that the South West had the lowest cases of Covid-19. She thanked everyone in all the villages for their support and community spirit.
2020.32 Questions from the public - a member of the public asked for more detailed information on the damage to the Maple Trees by the pond caused by squirrels. PH explained that they had stripped bark from branches and that had not healed over requiring both Maples to be ‘reduced’ to lower the weight.
2020.33 Correspondence - There was none
2019.34 Items for the next Agenda - None
Date of next meeting
Monday 14 September 2020 at 7pm
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm